(608) 310-7075 | 2801 Coho St. Suite 200 Madison, WI 53713

What Employees Want: Praise and Recognition | WI Employee Benefits Group

“What gets recognized gets reinforced, and what gets reinforced gets repeated.” -Unknown In today’s ultra-competitive work environment, the companies with the winning edge are the ones that have the best-trained and well-skilled staff. However, even the best employees cannot perform well (or may even jump ship) when they are not motivated enough. Praise and recognition … Continued

Workplace Wellbeing: 5 Recommendations from the U.S. Surgeon General | Wisconsin Benefits Consultants

The U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, recently released the Framework for Workplace Mental Health & Wellness to set a new standard for expectations of employers. In this new normal, Human Resources leaders must take some responsibility for the wellbeing of those who work in their organization. The report is comprehensive and includes research and data supporting the … Continued

Gen Z: Is Quiet Quitting a Problem or a Wake-Up Call? | Wisconsin Benefits Group

Many young employees from Gen Z are taking to TikTok to express their frustration about the workplace and profess their practice of quiet quitting. Essentially, they are remaining at their jobs and still receiving paychecks and benefits, but they are sticking strictly to their the job descriptions and maintaining precise schedules. On social media, some … Continued

Making a Remote Team Work | Wisconsin Benefits Firm

In a tight labor market, a candidate’s potential commute can make a job more or less attractive. HumanResources reports that a quarter of employees surveyed had left a job because of the commute. When looking at just Millennials, the number jumps to one third. Employees can be choosy, selecting a job that offers more of … Continued

The 80s Are Back, According to the NLRB | Madison Employee Benefits

On September 14, 2018, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) announced in the Federal Register a proposed rule to return its joint-employer standard to its 1984 standard — a standard that stood until 2017. It’s returning to the days of Footloose dancing, Sixteen Candles high school sweethearts, Karate Kid champions, and the principle that a … Continued

Managing Employees in the Gig Economy | Madison Employee Benefits Consultants

Understandably, some employers (and employees) have mixed feelings about the gig economy. While many enjoy the freedom gained and overhead saved, others miss office camaraderie and routine. No matter your position, research shows that the trend isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. By 2021, 9.2 million Americans will work on-demand jobs, and so employers need to … Continued

Trust Equation | Madison Benefits Partners

We are currently living in a low-trust society as a whole — we keep hearing that news is fake, science is fake, and so on. That makes it hard for us to trust anyone and is why we need to work on building trust in the workplace more than ever. Human resources professionals and business … Continued
