(608) 310-7075 | 2801 Coho St. Suite 200 Madison, WI 53713

Benefits 101: What Is Voluntary Life Insurance? | WI Employee Benefits Agency

Life Insurance at Work: Your Guide to Voluntary Coverage We all juggle life’s different responsibilities, and ensuring our loved ones are financially secure in case of our passing should be a top priority. Life insurance offers a safety net but typically the amount of coverage included as a standard company-paid life insurance policy isn’t enough … Continued

Benefits Check-up: 6 Compliance Issues Affecting Your Clients’ Health | WI Benefits Agents

A health plan is more than a product or service; it’s a relationship. All productive and healthy relationships—especially in the benefits space—rely on trust. When an employer extends trust in a broker or insurance carrier to purchase something as critical as healthcare—for people as critical as their workers and families—we’re obligated to raise all factors … Continued
