(608) 310-7075 | 2801 Coho St. Suite 200 Madison, WI 53713

Protect Your Mental Health with an EAP | Wisconsin Benefits Consultants

Mental health isn’t just the absence of illness. It’s a continuum ranging from severe symptoms such as panic attacks and major depression to excellent mental strength and well-being. Sometimes you’re not ill, but you aren’t well either – and you need help.  If you’re feeling down about work or a problem in your life and … Continued

The Attitude of Gratitude | WI Benefits Team

You may have heard the saying attitude of gratitude.  It’s a great little rhyme to remind us to  live a life of gratitude – and practice it!  When we practice being thankful on a regular basis, it not only impacts our mental and physical health, but those around you as well. The Definition of Gratitude … Continued

Revealed – Survey Responses about Employee Wellness and Benefits | WI Employee Benefits Group

The connection between employee wellness and the benefits of the job might seem obvious. But the conversation should be more nuanced than merely a discussion about health insurance, access to mental healthcare like employee assistance programs (EAPs), and well-being apps to reach zen. Indeed, Human Resources professionals must reconsider their definition of benefits. It must extend to all the pros of … Continued

Volunteering and It’s Surprising Mental Health Benefits | WI Benefits Team

Volunteers make an immeasurable difference in people’s lives and often serve with the intention of helping others. But, did you know that volunteering can benefit your mental health as well? While it’s true that the more you volunteer, the more benefits you’ll experience, volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment or take a huge … Continued

6 Ways to Help Employees Combat Burnout| WI Employee Benefits Group

Respondents to the latest State of HR report list burnout as the greatest consequence of the pandemic. In fact, the Great Resignation lingers, in part, because the burnout has gotten worse. Now, companies are facing inflation, the yanking of job offers, and the possibility of layoffs. While they are tightening their belts and being far more cautious, their workers … Continued

What is Mental Health and Wellness in HR? | Wisconsin Benefits Consultants

  Mental health and wellness in HR are becoming top priorities for employers. In fact, HR leaders named mental health and wellbeing as their third biggest problem, behind the labor shortage and retaining talent, in the latest HR Exchange Network State of HR report. In addition, those surveyed also said burnout was the top consequence of … Continued
