(608) 310-7075 | 2801 Coho St. Suite 200 Madison, WI 53713

8 HR Trends for 2024 | WI Employee Benefits Group

With the arrival of 2024, Human Resources professionals are contemplating the future. Everyone is looking into that crystal ball to try and understand what the most pressing issues in talent management will be. HR Exchange Network is no different, so we turned to the experts on Featured to ask what they think will be the biggest trend of … Continued

What Is a Total Rewards Package? | Wisconsin Benefits Consultants

Total rewards packages refer to the compensation and benefits plans that companies offer. This phrase, however, extends beyond mere salary or wages and traditional benefits, like health insurance, to provide both recruits and employees with a rundown of what makes the employer special. Some in Human Resources might regard the total rewards package as the … Continued

Employee Engagement: 8 Ways to Reward a Job Well Done | WI Benefits Consultants

At a time when many companies are trying to “do more with less,” employees are feeling overworked and underappreciated. To remedy this problem, Human Resources can help organizations foster robust rewards programs. When budgets are tight, bonuses might not be possible. Recently, however, HR Exchange Network asked users of Terkel.io to share their suggestions for rewards, and they offered … Continued

Retention Ideas in a Recession | Wisconsin Benefits Consultants

Employee engagement is the top priority of respondents to HR Exchange Network’s latest State of HR survey. Obviously, employers are keen to engage employees to increase productivity and retention. However, the economic downturn and inflation is complicating matters, and Human Resources leaders are seeking new ways to reach talent. Recently, Eric Mochnacz, strategic senior HR leader and Director … Continued

What Is Empathy in Human Resources Management? | WI Benefits Agents

Empathy in Human Resources Management is something that comes up often. The idea of a stern leader, who rules with an iron fist, is outdated. Today’s leaders are expected to build relationships and trust to ensure they get the most out of employees. HR has the double burden of demonstrating empathy and teaching executives to model this kind of … Continued

10 Top HR Trends for 2023 | Wisconsin Benefits Group

The new year is on the horizon, and everyone is predicting what 2023 HR trends to anticipate. Recently, HR Exchange Network posted a question on Terkel.io to discover what Human Resources and business leaders will be navigating, challenging, and experiencing in the year ahead. Here are the answers: Bring It with Gamification “Gamification is one of the … Continued
