(608) 310-7075 | 2801 Coho St. Suite 200 Madison, WI 53713

Transparency Rules Require Plan Sponsors to Act Now Before July 1 Deadline | WI Employee Benefits Agency

The Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury (the Departments) released Transparency in Coverage (TiC) rules in late 2020 that will require fully insured and self-funded plan sponsors of non-grandfathered group health plans to make important disclosures about in-network and out-of-network rates beginning July 1, 2022. To be ready to meet that deadline, … Continued

Exploring In-Network and Out-of-Network Benefits| WI Employee Benefits Firm

You have surely heard the terms “in-network” and “out-of-network” when referring to doctors or care facilities and your insurance plan. It can be confusing and make you wonder why it matters to you, as the consumer. Let’s explore these terms and find out more! What are Health Insurance Plan Networks? Health insurance plans create networks … Continued

CMS Publishes 2020 Benefit Payment and Parameters Final Rule | WI Employee Benefits UBA

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published its final rule and fact sheet for benefit payment and parameters for 2020. Although the final rule primarily affects the individual market and the Exchanges, the final rule addresses the following topics that may impact employer-sponsored group health plans: The 2020 maximum annual limitation on cost sharing is $8,150 for … Continued
